What John Cole said…

See this dissection of the entirely dispensible Michael Gerson bewailing the fate of the polar bear within a warming world– but better not while you’re eating.

Shorter form, quoting Cole, who says it better than I can, Gerson argues that the responsibility for global warming lies not with anyone you might expect. Oh, no. Instead, it’s

Environmental activists [who] are to blame for not working enough with the people who oppose them, denounce them, mock them, work openly to sabotage their efforts, and have created a cottage industry creating and spreading pseudo-scientific babble.

What twisted bastard at the Washington Post reviews these op-eds and thinks they are worth printing? What kind of jackass believes the real problem regarding the environment is the environmental movement, and not James Inhofe. This is like blaming doctors for not being willing enough to work with the tobacco industry to prevent cancer.

Shortest Gerson: “It’s never my fault!”

We really, really need a better press corps. (As always, nods to Brad Delong for the category)

Image: Georg von Rosen, ” Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld” 1886. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Explore posts in the same categories: Climate follies, Environment, Journalism and its discontents, Republican knavery, Stupidity, Who needs science?

One Comment on “What John Cole said…”

  1. Gerson’s just appealing to the Washington crowd in the same way David Broder puts bipartisanship above all else. The smart people are to blame for not splitting the difference with stupidity.

    Of course, my take is that the Democrats are usually to blame for splitting the difference with more and more stupid Republicans. Thankfully, most environmentalists don’t seem to be taking that approach, and scientists are constitutionally immune to it.

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