Posted tagged ‘Basketball Jesus’

No, really, tell me what you think — Why I Love Charles Barkley Edition.

October 28, 2008

Sir Charles announces his intention to run for governor of Alabama in 2014.  Along the way, he discusses the issue of sociological rankings of his own and nearby states thusly:

When asked if he was serious, the former Philadelphia 76er said, “I am, I can’t screw up Alabama.”

He added that his native state could only improve. “We are number 48 in everything and Arkansas and Mississippi aren’t going anywhere,” Barkley said. (h/t T-N C)

Now if only another famous politician would take note:  this is how you do straight talk, my man.

(Now if we could only suspend geography and perhaps partisan affiliation (I really don’t know) and get Basketball Jesus to run against Sir Charles.  The depth, breadth and sheer outrageous quality of the trash talk would threaten to end the universe as we know it.)